That's awesome, so much a message from the universe. Izzy came to remind you of who you are and what you're ready for. Your doggo is out there....

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I firmly believe that cats are angels in disguise who walk into our lives at exactly the moment we need them. It happened with both of mine. They came to me without me seeking them, both in need of a home, when I was in the midst of grief about my childlessness. The older one is a wise soul, deeply intuitive, always knew exactly when I was most upset and would follow me around and curl up in my lap placing a paw on my heart. The younger one brought playfulness and mischief into our household at a time when there was deep sadness, she very much became the baby of the family and remains so 10 years later. Your cat encounter is no coincidence, in my humble opinion 😃

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Sue this is definitely a message. I wasn't sure in the last two weeks about you getting a dog. I kept thinking about how much work it is for you. But now I feel it is a good idea. Of course, you have no idea who I am. Just a random reader. I am weighing in. Cockapoo or Cavapoo.

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Sep 14Liked by Sue Fagalde Lick

I hope you find the right pet soon. I got my first dog after my cats passed away, and I love his energy and joyfulness! Best decision I ever made.

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Nice messenger! Hoping you find the right dog soon.

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Sep 17Liked by Sue Fagalde Lick

I’ve been without a dog for over two years. It’s the longest, in my entire life, except when I was in college. The last two, who had long lives had meant I’d spent 6 years dealing with geriatric dogs and I needed a break. Then I realized that I could live a bit differently without a dog. I’ll foster, I thought, but I haven’t yet. About 18 months ago, a stray cat started living under my house. Over the course of a few weeks, I decided I’d invite him in. Even though he’d been very friendly from the beginning, he’d never tried to come in. I wasn’t sure he was mine so I just called him Pretty Boy (as it was obvious he was an unaltered male). So now he’s (Pretty Boy) Floyd and is a delight in every way. I appreciate the changes that a cat means in my lifestyle though I do miss walking a dog. That will be easy to fix as several friends have dogs they’d love for me to walk.

I may still foster as Floyd seems to like dogs, too. Fostering may be a way to get started again. Or volunteer at your local shelter. There really is nothing like a dog.

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Sep 15Liked by Sue Fagalde Lick

Absolutely an angel in cat’s form. She/he showed you the joy of interacting with a fur baby again.

I just found five of them from The Asher House, who do an extraordinary job of “vetting” the dogs for you. The dog will be healthy, happy, and they can tell you whether or not it’s a rambunctious one or more sedate. I’ll see if I can DM them to you n

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Sep 15Liked by Sue Fagalde Lick

Please get your dog. You won’t regret it. Best wishes that you’ll find your new friend.

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Sep 14Liked by Sue Fagalde Lick

Oh yes I truly believe. Eleven years ago Libby came into our lives very unexpectedly, two years previously we said our very sad goodbyes to our Doberman on exactly the same day and guess what Libby was two years old. Libby had been badly treated, was like a skeleton with not a pick on her, she had been tied to a boat and literally starved. Long story short her owner gave her to me (perhaps because I threatened to call the police). She has had her forever sofa for 12 years now and has been an amazing dog. At that time we were not going to have another dog but I am so glad we rescued her and although she has been challenging at times, mainly with other dogs I think she rescued us right back. Just do it Sue.

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Sep 14Liked by Sue Fagalde Lick

I do definitely think that God or the universe sends us messages. I believe that you will be much happier with a new fur baby in your life. Though I'm not alone our 3 dogs bring so much love and company to our home. The expense and work is very worth it. Best of luck!

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Sue, I just brought home a new puppy on Wednesday. My daughter is ususally the recipient of the cats via 'the cat distribution system.' Dusty Kevin arrived and claimed her as his cat Mom just before she lost one of her long time cat babies. I believe that we receive fur babies when we most need them. Unconditional love...like an angel watching over us! The perfect pup will find you.

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I love this. Enjoy your new puppy.

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I went through a similar should I/shouldn't I get another dog when my 12 year old Welsh springer spaniel Alex died in 2020. He'd been diagnosed with lymphoma nine months earlier, just shortly after I had decided to get a Cavalier puppy. I wasn't sure if I should get the Cavalier, knowing that Alex was going to require a lot of care, but I knew she would be a great comfort to me through the dark days. After Alex died, my initial reaction was to feel relief at having only one dog. But Holly was lonely, and the house had a different energy with only one dog. Something was missing. My practical side said don't even think about getting another springer. Too much to handle. Be content with one small dog. You're too old for another puppy (adult rescues in Welsh springers are almost nonexistent). Then on an impromptu beach trip, what do I see far down the beach but two dogs that looked like Welsh springers! I walked fast to catch up, and yes they were a pair of lovely Welshes. Had I started my walk a few minutes later, I probably would have missed them. I will never forget how one of the dogs gave me a long look, as if trying to tell me something. I had a feeling it was a message from Alex to get another springer. And I did. Miles is now two, and he and Holly are close buddies. The two of them bring me joy every day. A wise veterinarian once said to me, "I encourage my clients to adopt again as soon as possible. The love has to go somewhere." A dog's companionship is so healing, and the effort is so worth it. Best of luck with your search!

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That's beautiful. Thank you.

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I totally believe in messages 💚 Well this is exciting! I have a Spanish greyhound (galgo) and this family of dogs are so easy going. They slew up to 18 hours a day and are known to be the cat of the dog world. The whippets, Italian greyhounds and such are smaller but have the same affectionate but not too much nature. Greyhounds are often up for adoption from racing or hunting, not sure about near you, but I’d highly recommend them as an easy dog. If you’ve space to let them run they can have a wiz around and be done or they can do walks too.

Looking forward to hearing more about this journey for you!

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Thank you for the recommendation. I do have a massive yard, and we would go for walks every day.

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I suffer from chronic pain and find that it’s a good dog for that as she does enjoy a walk but she’s also pretty lazy and likes sleeping. Thinking of the future if you have health issues 💚

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Definitely get clear on what kind of dog suits your temperament, do you want a puppy or rescue, who will watch it if you want to go on a trip, etc. I love my 5 year old English Shepherd, but I don’t know if I’d want to go through the puppy thing again-so much pee!!!

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I definitely don't want to go through the puppy part again. So much pee and poo and so much chewing. I need a grownup dog.

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