Jul 17Liked by Sue Fagalde Lick

Thank you - this came at just the right time for me.

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Jul 11Liked by Sue Fagalde Lick

Wow! I never gave thought to how my house looked to guest. I've always, always only thought about how I wanted it to be for my peace and pleasure. However I do always want an organized, clean, colorful place. I love beauty and am a "neat freak" but it was never with any thought about what others might think about it. Only about me and my comfort.

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What a lovely reminder of what’s important. I remember some wise words from an experienced mother when I was about to have my first child. She advised that I didn’t need to have my house perfect if I invited another mother over. It would only intimidate her and make her feel uncomfortable inviting me back to her place. This was some of the more valuable advice I’ve received. Thank you for sharing your wisdom.

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Thanks for this. I dread having anyone see my house. I have even been known to worry that the person feeding my horses when I'm gone will think my horse keeping isn't up to snuff. Maybe it goes back to feeling embarrassed about my mother's lack of housekeeping. Maybe I'm old enough to let that go.

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We've got to let it go. We're all doing the best we can.

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Ah yes, but how do you get them to go when you’re done? I’ve always preferred living someplace that people don’t want to visit. I’m happy to come visit you, because then when I’m done I can leave. But if you come visit me when I’m done you’re still here.🤷🏼‍♀️

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I know what you mean. I think the best way is to have something set up that requires an end to the visit. Or maybe we can stop feeding them. 😊

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Aug 6Liked by Sue Fagalde Lick

You can try singing this little ditty (to the tune of "The Farmer in the Dell":

I hate to see you go

I hate to see you go

What the heck are you waiting for

I hate to see you go.


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What a great and timely message for me. I’ve been debating in my head over inviting a friend to our country house for a weekend, but worried what they’ll think of our place. It isn’t dirty, but it’s a bit cluttered and lived in most of the time- but you’re right. Friends visit to be with you, not your house.

I’m doing it. I’m inviting them.

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That's great. Have fun.

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Amen to that. BUT - the master is gone? You're in charge!

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Yes indeed!

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There was an article, I think it was in the Washington Post, that even suggested inviting friends over to hang out with you *while* you clean. A friend and I set up mutual dates to do that once upon a time, but then the COVID lockdown hit, and we never got around to it!

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My friend got to hang out while I mopped the floor. I just couldn't stand its uncleanliness anymore. :-)

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