Fortunately l have a self contained studio so my house guests and l can carry on as we normally would, out of sight and hearing 🤣💜🤗

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Jul 8·edited Jul 8

For years, each summer I traveled all over the country on my motorcycle. Sometimes solo, sometimes with others. I reveled in the ease of solo travel:

- stopping for fuel or food whenever, wherever, and for as long as I wanted

- changing my route if some other place or adventure called to me

- speaking with strangers -- or not speaking at all

- the ability to honor my need for alone time choose when I interacted with people

Riding with another person or a group changed some things.

- fuel and food stops took a lot longer as we waited for everyone's needs to be met

- good manners and carefulness about stepping on toes and feelings was important for group harmony.

Benefits could outweigh solo travel because you have

- shared responsibility and expenses

- help if you should have a problem

- bonds strengthened with shared experiences, memories, and stories to tell

- solo time on your bike and camaraderie when off

Twenty-five years of riding gave me the best of both worlds and proof that I COULD do it alone. xoA <3

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Wonderful. My admiration for you grows and grows.

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I can get up as late as I want and need to in order to cope with chronic fatigue and pain. I clean when I have the energy to do so and the same goes for filing and decluttering. I can have as much peace and quiet as I want to and watch what I want to on TV. My spare room is a storage space so there's no room for guests at the moment.

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Amen to all of that.

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I'm free to eat whenever and whatever I please. I tend to eat too much, but I can do it without shame because no-one is judging or commenting

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It's wonderful, isn't it?

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My husband lives in Alaska 3-5 months every year, and we're always glad to see each other when he gets home. However, we both enjoy these spaces in our togetherness, and here are some of the reasons;

1. I can sing out loud. (My singing annoys him).

2. Bodily functions can be emitted freely without apology.

3. I don't have to hear the constant background noise of the television.

4. I get to listen to my music at any volume.

5. I can stay in my jammies whenever I want.

6. I don't worry about hearing, "What? Another package from Amazon?"

7. I can have popcorn for dinner.

8. I can get up in the middle of the night without tiptoeing around.

9. I can have a second or even third glass of wine without a raised eyebrow. (He is a non drinker).

10. The house stays tidy and clean.

To be fair, there are also 10 reasons on why it's nice to have him around.

1. A hug is mine for the asking.

2. His handyman skills are genius level, and he can fix anything.

3. He always takes out the garbage.

4. He doesn't mind doing laundry.

5. He's an excellent cook; I am not.

6. He takes care of maintenance on both cars.

7. He makes me laugh every single day.

8. He brings me coffee in the morning.

9. He built me an art studio.

10. I still enjoy looking at him.

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Cindy Lou, I love this. Thank you for giving us both sides of the picture, the joys of being alone and the joys of having a wonderful someone around.

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I’m free to:

Make my own decision every morning about whether to put on a clean tee shirt, or to continue to wear yesterday’s shirt that I slept in

Eat propped up in bed, taking huge bites

Talk to myself pretending I’m talking to the cat. ( This also works while grocery shopping if there’s a baby/toddler in the cart’s baby seat.)

Peanut butter and crackers for a meal

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I could go on and on…

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Yes! The list never ends.

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All of that! I LOVE living alone. I have a self-contained Airbnb suite on the lower level of my home, and even though I rarely see the guests, it's not the same as being alone--I try not to clump and rattle around over their living spacce. But the best of living alone is meals: the planning, the cooking, the eating. I'm having two house guests for A WEEK in August, one of whom I don't know, and I am absolutely petrified by the whole meal thing.

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I totally understand, Gretchen. Having guests makes me terribly anxious. As for feeding them, I ask in advance what they like to eat for breakfast and provide that for them to fix themselves. Last time, I took my friend grocery shopping with me, and we planned the meals together. It worked well.

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I had the glorious experience of spending two and a half weeks alone earlier this year when my partner went to Europe on business. It was just me and the dogs and I had the best time. I spent most of it cooking and eating what I like, going to bed early, and piddling in the garden when I wanted. I had planned to finally get my writing organized into a framework for a (hopeful) book, but the freedom blunted that plan and I ended up just writing a lot. I hope to have more periods of time like this soon.

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That sounds like a good time, Sharon. Thanks for sharing it with us.

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"Ignoring that odd noise coming from the ice maker, dryer, dishwater, or . . . well, we don't know where it’s coming from, but it’s not hurting anything, so we don’t need to get crazy over it. " love this! We all know just what noise you mean...

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I miss being able to sing the same song line on repeat, then listening to said song on repeat without annoying the heck out of anyone (I no longer live alone) 😝

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Oh, I plan to sing my brains out when I'm alone again.

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Haha 🤣 I’ll be sending my husband out soon or put his sound cancelling headphones on to belt my lungs out! Sorry neighbours 😉😄

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Belt away!

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🎶 Keep an ear out 🎶🤣

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I am least interested to see you nude in anyway but keen to see you in an abaya burqa or chader. Smile.

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Shaki, you have to stop with the inappropriate comments. Nude, burqa or chader, you will never see me in person.

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I would certainly stop it. However I wrote in a humorous joking and light way. So take

it lightly. Not interested to injure your feelings. Even then APOLOGIZE!!

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I laughed at "Shamelessly watching “The Bachelorette” on TV". I have a weird fascination with the Below Deck super yacht shows which are best watched alone. A friend left yesterday after a long visit and I was so glad to be alone again and watching bad TV.

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Yes, yes, yes.

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