I’m always thinking about eating. This meal, the next meal, a snack. Even when it’s nit time or I’m not hungry.

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When I’m solo and want that frozen pizza, I whack it in half while frozen - who cares if it’s not a clean cut? - and return half to freezer for another day.

If it’s not cooked and tempting, I won’t eat it. I sure won’t heat up the 2nd half after eating the first half.

A tip from a fellow food-forward woman who’s often cooking for one.

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Good idea. Thank you.

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I live alone and I always overeat. A whole pizza is nothing to me. Some days I might follow that with a bag of chips. I don’t eat like that everyday obvs but when typically when super stressed or otherwise out of sorts. But even on so-called good days I over eat. I overeat the entire bag of salad or a huge bowl of minestrone soup with a piece of whole wheat bread. If I go out to dinner with other people, and my meal was small, I come home and eat again. My body doesn’t seem to have an off switch. I’m 100 sure I am eating through all of the ways I imagine my life is lacking.

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Beth, that all sounds so familiar to me. We keep trying to fill that emptiness with food, and it doesn't really work.

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I lived w a man in my twenties who couldn’t hold a job to save his life. I worked and he did everything except wash dishes and clean kitty litter. Every night I came home to real meal, appetizers, dessert. It was heaven and it made me understand how cool it is to have a housewife! Left to own devices I’ll have peanut butter and jelly sammiches for each meal. Sometimes two!

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One thing I've noticed is the link between binges and deprivation. Extended periods of under-eating can lead to binges, as can extended periods of emotional or other deprivations. A lot of people are inclined to try to put strict limits on food right after a binge, but that often just leads to another binge and a vicious cycle.

When people talk to me about binges, I ask: What was happening right before? And how can you take care of yourself now, with love and kindness?

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Very wise words. I'll be pondering this.

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Oh my God! I'm reeling from that news about Russia 😲 My jaw is on the floor!!

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It's pretty awful, isn't it? But we're seeing similar attitudes all over, even if it's not put into law. Scary times.

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I read this and went ‘what eating a whole pizza isn’t okay’ haha. Then I thought is it best we focus on the good, like you had thin base and not take away. Then I thought perhaps if you (or me) want to eat half cut it in half before cooking it and then we’re less tempted?

I also questioned why do you overeat? My root cause was food scarcity growing up, and since I unlocked that I’ve found it easier to unpick my overeating. Then when I do I forgive myself and say ‘it’s okay there is more where that came from. If it’s not in the cupboard you can go to the shop and get more’.

I’ve got another phase that’s helping me in my life right now ‘Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good’. So when I chose cereals rather than crisps I say well done, perfect would be nothing but I’m not going to get there in a day.

Anyways I’ll stop rambling, this is basically my thought process whilst reading your wonderful writing ✍️💚

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I’ve really enjoyed my reduced price trials of those recipe boxes. They are out of my price range when the trial ends but if budget wasn’t a problem I would definitely recommend them. I have a husband to cook for (and stepkids at the weekend) but I know if left to my own devices my eating would be much more disordered so I thank you for your honesty and wish you luck x

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Sounds good. Thank you.

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I am reminded of that dreadful old TOPS pledge-- "although i overeat in private my excess poundage is there for all the world to see." Ugh. I'm slowly starting to stop and think before i eat. But sometimes i throw caution to the wind. Life is short. Eat dessert first, or only. 😏

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So, so true.

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